Understanding the Shelf Life of the Chickens Fresh Eggs
Now you might be wondering how long do fresh eggs last? There are fewer pleasures in life that going to your garden and finding a fresh laid egg on your chickens nest, now for sure you will have a great meal. But what about having 5 or 6 chickens? What can you do with those eggs? Next, you will find out how long do the last in addition to more. See Our Livestock Articles for More Information
The Importance of Cleaning Fresh Eggs
Before eating or storing does nice and fresh eggs, you must make sure of cleaning them very carefully. Most of the people always wonder how necessary it is to clean the eggs; well as long as the eggs are not filthy you can store them without cleaning them, but you have to be very careful with those that aren’t clean. For cleaning the eggs, you can use a dry pad, but if it happens that the egg is full of filthiness and won’t come out, you can try by submerging the egg under warm water and then finishing with the dry pad. Note that you should try to use only the dry pad as much as possible, because when you wet the eggs, you’re not just cleaning them, you’re also removing its bloom, which is their natural protection against bacteria as far as it is well concerned.
Storage Options for Fresh Eggs: Counter vs. Refrigerator
Now you know this important aspect, let’s go to our business. How long do fresh eggs last? Here you have two options, to leave them on the counter or refrigerated them. Truth is, are you didn’t have to wash the eggs, then you don’t have to put them in the fridge. Now, a refrigerated egg will for sure last more than a room temperature one. So if left in the fridge, your eggs can last up to 6 months before you eat them. By the other hand when you leave your unwashed eggs on the counter, notice that they will last up to 4 weeks before they get damaged, if they are stored appropriated. Of course the taste better on the firsts 2 weeks, but you have until week 4 to consume them, this duration will enable you plan better as it is needed.
Best Practices for Storing Fresh Chickens Eggs on the Counter
So in brief, if you want your eggs to stand proudly on the counter then you have 4 weeks to consume them or give them away before they rot, we advise you to store them in a carton so the temperature remains equal and the eggs remain fresh but dry until consumed; this is only if you didn’t wash the egg, if you did wash the egg and didn’t take it to the fridge, you have up to 2 days to consume it before bacteria does. Now if you store your eggs in the fridge whether you washed some of them or not, they will last 6 months. On the fridge, you can store them in the carton or just on some sealed container, this way you can be sure that your eggs will still be and taste fresh the day you decide to use them. So now you know how long do your fresh eggs last.