The DIY Farmer

Planting Tips for Vegetable Gardens

Many people consider their vegetable garden to be an enjoyable pastime, a sort of relaxation, where they can sit and enjoy a good meal, and occasionally get up and walk about. Many of us would like to think that our garden is just a place to grow some vegetables, to be enjoyed year round. Although your vegetable garden will produce food, it does require a lot of work and attention to ensure that your plants grow to full and healthy potential.

In southern countries, where traditional vegetable gardens are as important to the daily diet as much of the food they produce, some gardeners have very little contact with the produce they grow. Others, especially those from urban backgrounds, see the vegetable garden as an important part of their lives, a way to relax and escape the stresses of everyday life. Vegetable gardens can be a very rewarding way to grow your own vegetables, whether for you personal consumption or for selling on. The following article provides some information on vegetable gardening that should prove useful to you.

The first and most important tip to follow when planting a vegetable garden is to make sure that the spot you choose is free of weeds, rocks and other obstructions before you plant. You should also be prepared to do a little digging if need be to prepare the area. Remember that your vegetable garden needs to be large enough to accommodate the planting of around eighty bulbs or more. The old adage “two pots are better than one” should be heeded. Planting too many vegetables at the same time can be a problem. One small plant should be good enough.

Next, you need to choose the plants you want to grow, bearing in mind the amount of sunlight they will get. Some varieties will do better in full sun, others in partial or shade. Watering is another aspect that you need to be careful with. Full sun vegetable gardens will require more watering than those that are located in shaded areas.

Finally, you need to plan your planting schedule before you start small garden gardening. Most people start planting late in the spring, but I have planted early spring all my life and I never did really well with it. The best season to start is in the fall, when the weather is cooler. Also, you should try to avoid pruning your vegetables during the colder times. This can make the plants not only not be as healthy, but also much harder to maintain.

As you continue to plant your vegetable garden, you will learn which varieties to grow, how much to plant, how often to water, and how much to harvest from your plants. You will learn what crops you prefer and want to harvest from your plants. Vegetables need full sun light, moderate fertilizing, and regular watering. If you follow these simple gardening tips, your plants will be fine for many years.

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Finn Anderson

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